Goddess Hekate has captured the imagination of humans for millennia. Her enduring legacy continues to inspire people today.
In this article, we’ll explore the mythology, magic, and meaning behind Goddess Hekate. Let’s dive in!

The mysterious Goddess Hekate has been associated with witchcraft, magic, ghosts, and the moon for thousands of years. Her powerful feminine energy appeals to many people seeking to harness their own inner power.
A Hekate tattoo can connect you to this timeless goddess and represent feminine strength, intuition, and magical abilities.
Who is the Goddess Hekate?
Hekate originated in ancient Greek mythology as the goddess of magic, witchcraft, crossroads, ghosts, and necromancy. She was also associated with entranceways, light, and the Moon.
Hekate assisted Demeter in her search for Persephone when Hades abducted her. She later became Persephone’s minister and companion in the Underworld.

Hekate was depicted in Greek vase paintings as three formed, often holding torches. Her triple form was connected to her dominion over the heavens, earth, and underworld.
It also represented the three phases of the moon.
The goddess was frequently shown with two ghost hounds at her side, representing her connection to the spirit realm.

The Hekate Myth in Different Works of Greek Literature
Hekate was featured in several prominent works of Greek literature. In Hesiod’s Theogony, written around 700 BC, Hekate was named as the only child of Titans Asteria and Perses.
Hesiod described her as having power over heaven, earth, and sea.
The playwright Aeschylus featured Hekate prominently in his 5th-century BC plays. In the Oresteia trilogy, she sides with the Erinyes (Furies) against Orestes when he kills his mother Clytemnestra.
Hekate was also a key figure in another of Aeschylus’ plays, The Persians.
Hekate played a role in The Chaldean Oracles, a set of mystic texts written in the 2nd to 3rd centuries AD. The text associated Hekate with a cosmic world soul and credited her with granting humans the gift of theurgy (white magic).

Goddess Hekate’s Association with Magic
While Hekate’s mythological origins were in ancient Greece, her associations with magic endure today. By Late Antiquity, landowners were erecting shrines to Hekate on their property for protection.
Common people also began to invoke Hekate for safety, fertility, and fortune.
During the Middle Ages, Hekate became linked to nocturnal sorcery and demonology in the public mind. She was now portrayed as a frightening creature of the night.
The witchcraft trials between 1450-1750 CE accused many women of “Hekate worship.”
In the 19th century, Hekate’s image improved with renewed academic and artistic interest in Greek myth.
Occultists once again viewed Hekate positively as a powerful figure of magic and spiritual guidance.
Modern Wiccans, Witches, and Pagans continue to revere Hekate as a Dark Goddess.

Hekate’s Connection to Magic and Witchcraft
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For centuries, Hekate has been revered as a goddess of magic by witches and magicians.
She rules knowledge of spells, herbs, and poisons and can grant blessings or curses. As queen of the witches, Hekate oversees all areas of witchcraft.
Hekate’s association with magic began in ancient Greece. Medea was said to invoke Hekate’s aid for her sorcery.
Circe and Pasiphae were also connected to Hekate as powerful sorceresses. Greeks would leave food offerings at crossroads for Hekate, seeking her blessings.
By the Byzantine era, many spells invoked Hekate’s name for power and protection. The Greek Magical Papyri from this period called Hekate the “Mistress of Magic.”
Today, many modern witches continue to call upon Hekate during magical rituals and spellwork. They revere her as a source of esoteric knowledge.

Hekate’s Connection to the Moon
In addition to magic, Hekate has an enduring link to the Moon in myth and astrology. As a dark lunar goddess, she represents the three phases of the Moon: the waxing crescent, full moon, and waning crescent.
Artemis became equated with the Moon, while Hekate ruled its dark phase. Hekate’s lunar associations connected her to female cycles, fertility, and regeneration.
In astrology, Hekate is associated with the darkest phase of the lunar cycle. Her energy is deemed strongest on the day of the Dark Moon when the Moon is completely invisible.
On these nights, some devotees hold a ritual to honor Hekate and draw on her dark power.

How to Invoke Goddess Hekate’s Magic and Feminine Strength
Many people today are drawn to invoke Hekate through ritual and magic spells. If you’d like to connect with this goddess, consider creating an altar in her honor.
Include images of Hekate as well as objects and symbols sacred to her:
– Statues, paintings, or drawings of Hekate
– Candles (torches if outdoors)
– Offerings of food, wine, or incense
– Images or statues of black dogs
– Items or jewelry related to the moon
– Crystals such as hematite, obsidian, smoky quartz
– Herbs like mugwort, wormwood, yarrow, cypress
– Athame, chalice, cauldron, and other ritual tools
On the day of the Dark Moon, light black and white candles to honor Hekate’s connection to lunar phases.
Make offerings to the goddess and meditate on drawing her power, intuition, and magic into your life.
Repeat her sacred name as a mantra to invoke her presence.

How to Use Tarot Cards to Connect to Hekate
Since Hekate rules magic and divination, tarot cards are a great tool to connect with her power. Here are some ways to honor Hekate through tarot practices:
– Perform a tarot spell casting associated with Hekate’s domains. For example, create a spell for prophetic dreaming, psychic abilities, or protection.
– Meditate on Hekate while drawing a daily tarot card for guidance. Focus on her attributes of intuition, knowledge of the unknown, and feminine strength.
– Consult Hekate through your tarot cards during the Dark Moon phase by drawing three cards as a message from her. Light black and white candles and make an offering as you draw the cards.
– Design your own tarot spread based on Hekate’s associations. Include positions like “Hekate’s Magic,” “Moon Goddess,” and “Crone Wisdom.”
– Purchase or create a Hekate-themed tarot deck to align your readings with her energy. Include traditional tarot imagery mixed with Hekate symbols.
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