The sacral chakra, located below the navel, is the center of creative expression, sexuality, and emotions.
When this chakra becomes ignited due to the awakening process, it is easy for this chakra to become blocked or overactive.
Experiencing signs of spiritual awakening, while often unsettling, indicates a deep transformation is underway and an opportunity for greater self-awareness and alignment with your highest purpose.

In this article, we’ll explore the common signs that your sacral chakra needs attention, look at what may cause imbalances, and share rituals to realign this energy center. Discovering the reasons behind the discomfort can lead to profound personal growth.
What is a Spiritual Awakening?
A spiritual awakening is a process of transcending one’s limited ego-based identity and consciously connecting to the boundless awareness that lies at the core of our being.
The discomfort of spiritual awakening is a sign you are shedding old layers and making room for your higher self to emerge. Rather than resisting, embrace this sacred process of inner transformation.
While the shifts in perspective and the flow of energy can feel destabilizing at times, have faith that you are on a profound journey of self-realization.
Allow your intuition to guide you, even if the mind cannot yet make sense of it. Trust in your innate wisdom and interconnectivity with all beings.
Each sensation, however difficult, is a reminder that you are waking up and forming deeper connections.

What Is the Sacral Chakra?
The sacral chakra, or Svadhisthana, is located about 2 inches below the belly button in the lower abdomen. It is the second chakra and right above the root chakra. In Sanskrit, Svadhisthana means “one’s own place.”
This energy center is associated with the color orange and governs creativity, sexuality, emotions, pleasure, and connection to others. It’s considered feminine due to its fluid, dynamic energy.
In Eastern traditions, the sacral chakra is represented by a lotus flower with six petals. The lotus symbolizes the unfolding of deeper self-awareness that takes place as this chakra opens.
The six petals correspond to six distinct qualities:
- Creativity
- Wellbeing
- Emotional balance
- Intimacy
- Pleasure
- Self-confidence
When the sacral chakra is balanced, all these traits blossom within you. You feel in tune with your needs, are able to set healthy boundaries and express yourself freely.
But when it’s over or under-active, the associated emotions become distorted. Re-centering this chakra brings harmony to these parts of the self again.
The sacral center guides how you experience life, approach relationships, and unlock your creative gifts. Keeping its energy balanced is key to emotional health and living wholeheartedly.

Sacral Chakra Awakening Symptoms
A blocked sacral chakra may show up through:
- Feeling uninspired, bored or disinterested in life
- Struggling with intimacy in relationships
- Difficulty expressing emotions
- Experiencing sexual difficulties
- Feeling numb or disconnected from your body
- Having rigid attitudes about physical intimacy
Meanwhile, an overactive sacral chakra can cause:
- Intense emotional reactions and mood swings
- Hypersexuality and addictive behaviors
- Fantasizing constantly
- Attachment to pleasures like food, shopping or substances
- Feeling driven by your urges
- Engaging in risky behaviors
Signs of a blocked or overactive sacral chakra in your physical body are:
- Lower back pain
- Frequent urinary tract infections
- Menstrual problems
- Hip, pelvis or groin pain
- Feeling cold easily

Bringing Your Sacral Chakra Into Balance
When your sacral chakra is balanced, you feel connected to your emotions, able to express your needs, and have a healthy relationship to sexuality and creativity.
Here are some rituals and spiritual practices for realigning this chakra when it’s over or underactive:
- Engage your creativity through art, dance, journaling, or music. Let your self-expression flow without judgment.
- Spend time near a water element, which carries feminine, sacral energy. Have a warm bath, visit the ocean, or spend time by a lake or river.
- Wear clothing and jewelry in shades of orange, the color of the 2nd chakra.
- Use citrine, carnelian or orange calcite crystals during meditation to amplify the energy.
- Enjoy conscious movements like hip circles or belly dancing.
- Make your meals a sensual experience. Eat slowly, free of distractions. Notice textures and flavors.
- Practice moderate physical exercise that you find pleasurable, not punishing.
- Explore your sexuality through tantra and other conscious intimacy practices.
- Focus on your emotional well-being through therapy, support groups, or talk therapy.
- Chant the mantra “VAM” aloud or internally to stimulate the sacral chakra.
- Massage your abdomen, lower back, and base of the spine.
- Eating orange foods (to connect you to the orange chakra), like sweet potatoes and carrots can soothe this chakra
- Connecting to the goodness Shakti with the Shakti mudra can help you with blocked, low energy, and sexual dysfunction

Yoga Poses For Awakening Symptoms
When your sacral chakra is blocked or overactive, you may experience symptoms like heaviness, sluggishness, or a feeling of overwhelm.
Gentle hip openers can help stimulate and align this chakra. Try Bound Angle Pose (Baddha Konasana) to open the hips and relax the pelvis.
For a deeper stretch, practice Wide-Legged Forward Bend (Prasarita Padottanasana) to relieve tension.
Bridge Pose (Setu Bandha Sarvangasana) strengthens the sacral area.
If the chakra feels overactive, calming poses like Child’s Pose (Balasana) and Legs Up the Wall (Viparita Karani) can restore balance.
Goddess pose can help ignite your life force energy and help you connect to your sense of self.
Remember to breathe deeply and focus on the sacral area during your practice. With regular yoga tuned to your sacral chakra, you’ll feel more grounded and in tune with your creative energy.

The Role of Dreams in Your Awakening
It’s common to experience vivid or intense dreams during a sacral chakra awakening. The unconscious mind uses dreams to process emotions, gain insight, and resolve stuck energy.
As this energy center comes alive, your dream state becomes more active. You may have sexual dreams, nightmares, or lucid dreams. Themes around sensuality, creativity, or relationships may arise.
Dreams serve as a bridge to communicate between your inner and outer worlds. Pay close attention to the symbols, conversations, and feelings that occur. There may be profound guidance about your spiritual journey.
Keep a dream journal to record key details. Notice any repeating motifs over time. Some questions to reflect on:
- What sacral chakra qualities were expressed?
- Did you feel blocked or empowered in the dream?
- What insights arose about your passions, creativity, or relationships?
- Do the dreams reveal limiting beliefs to release or steps to take?
Your inner wisdom uses dreams to accelerate growth. They provide a safe space to play out emotional conflicts and try on new ways of being. With an open mind, you’ll uncover exactly the messages you need most.

Why Am I Experiencing A Spiritual Awakening?
Sacral chakra symptoms arise when something in your life is out of alignment with your true needs. Your soul is pushing you to rediscover your passions and sensuality. There’s an opportunity to outgrow limiting beliefs, deepen self-love, and unlock your full creative potential.
The process may feel uncomfortable at times. Know that it leads to profound healing and a richer life when you embrace it. Have compassion for all parts of yourself while integrating these lessons.
Many find that sacral chakra awakenings occur around age 35, mid-life, or during major life changes. As we mature, energy centers open to new understandings about life’s meaning and purpose.
A fully awakened sacral chakra allows you to experience all of life’s pleasures. You gain the emotional maturity to engage passionately with the world from a centered place.
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Has Your Sacral Chakra Been Stirring?
What symptoms have you noticed in your sacral energy center?
Know that you’re not alone in this. Many in our community have undergone their own sacral chakra awakenings. Seeing the purpose behind the discomfort makes all the difference in integrating the lessons.
We’d love to hear about your experiences in the comments below. And please share this article with loved ones who can relate or may benefit from learning more about sacral chakra healing.
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